NATIONWIDE WATER PRODUCTS LTD supply a Booster Pump Sets for increasing pressures and flow rates within individual residential properties.
The trend in todays climate is to improve and upgrade properties to include high performance appliances such as Power Showers, Unvented Hot water systems, Combination boilers and multiple bathrooms and/or ensuite’s.
Unfortunately, the continuous and reliable operation of these systems demand higher flow rates and pressures than with traditional gravity systems, subsequently the ever-reducing pressures and flow rates available from an already overworked Public Water supply may make some upgrades and improvements impossible.
However, with the inclusion of Pressure boosting pumps and/or Pressure accumulator vessels into the installation it is possible to achieve extremely good flow rates and pressures even with a poor incoming water supply.
Whatever your requirement we can supply a Booster Pump or complete Booster set for all your Clean water applications.