Heating & Chilled Water Expansion Tanks
Heating & Chilled Water Expansion Tanks
NATIONWIDE WATER PRODUCTS LTD can supply various ranges of Expansion Heating & Chilled Water Expansion Tanks from 8 Litres through to 10,000 litres for the larger district Heating or Chilled water applications. These vessels include various formats such as Wall Mounted, Horizontal & Vertical.
We can offer expansion vessels for various pressure ratings from 6 bar through to 25 bar high pressure applications.
The pressurization and expansion design should not be compromised. This should be considered “the bedrock” of the system as the minimum & maximum pressures are calculated at the neutral point, all other pressures are then calculated and formulated from here.
Consider Pressurization and Expansion design as the first step in the water treatment process because poor Pressurization always lead to poor water quality and the inherent costs associated with premature failure of plant and constant chemical treatment in an attempt to maintain the status quo.
NATIONWIDE WATER PRODUCTS LTD can provide design input and guidance for all your design and build projects, provide comment on any existing specification/designs or even work back through existing system problems to provide the correct technical solution.