SpiroCombi BC200F
SpiroCombi BC-200-F Combined Air & Dirt Separator
(standard flow rates)
• DN 200mm
• Flanged PN16
• Max operating pressure 10bar at 110°C
• Steel Construction
• Separation element constructed from Spirally Wound Copper tube
• Max flow rate 50 l/sec
• Max velocity 1.5 mtr sec
• Fast and efficient removal of air from system.
• Fastest possible commissioning of circuits – Repeatable gauge readings, no chasing of air around the system.
• Permanent air free system (including dissolved oxygen).
• No cavitation of circulating pumps.
• No more bleeding of radiators or other circuits.
• Silent operation of system, no cascading of air at system high points
• Very small particles, from 5 µm (=0.005mm) and up are separated and removed from the circulating water.
• Dirt can be drained form the unit whilst the system remains in operation
• No shut-off valves or bypass required
• Constant low pressure drop irrespective of how much dirt is in the unit
• Maintenance only takes a few seconds and is a simple clean task to undertake when compared to a standard “Y” type strainer or inline magnetic unit.
• No unnecessary shutdown of plant
Product Range Information
Spirotech BC Range of Combined Air & Dirt Separators Standard Flow units up to 1.5 mtrs/sec velocity
All Air & Dirt Separators must create the correct environment to be able to work efficiently. The Spirotech brand uses a separation element constructed of spirally wound copper wire around a central copper core. This arrangement creates an area of laminar flow (static water) at the top and base of the unit enabling even the smallest of microbubbles and dirt particle to overcome the mass flow of the circulating fluid and then simply collect at the top (Air) or base (dirt) of the unit. It is the only point on the system where laminar flow exists when in normal operation.
However, if the flow rates are excessive the whole of the separator may become turbulent hence no laminar flow may exist, therefore it is necessary to provide some “guidance” as to the maximum flow for each size of unit. The chart below provides the required information to assist with product selection at a velocity of 1.5 mtr/sec.
DN L/sec Mtr3/hr Product
50mm 3.5 12.5 BC-050-F
65mm 5.5 20 BC-065-F
80mm 7.5 27 BC-080-F
100mm 12.5 47 BC-100-F
125mm 20 72 BC-125-F
150mm 30 108 BC-150-F
200mm 50 180 BC-200-F
250mm 80 288 BC-250-F
300mm 112.5 405 BC-300-F