System Surveys:

Do you have a Problematic system or unsure about anything concerning your existing pressurisation equipment?

Sometimes things can happen where it is not always possible to immediately identify anything is amiss until further down the road.

And this is often very costly.

Could it be that your “Water Treatment” costs are becoming more expensive, or maybe you have “Wet” system components that are now failing on a regular and perhaps premature basis.

Chances are your Pressurisation System may have developed a problem which is going unnoticed. This could lead to oxygen ingress either through frequent water make-up, weeping or “letting by” of system Safety valves, negative pressures around the system and possibly other determining issues.

Unless you address the underlying cause, it is never possible to address this with Chemical Water treatment alone.

There is a direct correlation between Poor Pressurisation and Poor system water quality which surprisingly very few Water Treatment companies seem able to recognise.

Here at NWP we can undertake a full system survey and produce a report detailing exactly what is occurring within your system. The survey includes a full inspection and testing of the Pressurisation System along if required, “Water Sampling” and analysis according to BS8552.

Our custom reports provide information that will highlight any inherent design or operational issues with the Pressurisation system and detailed chemical analysis of the Water Treatment and system fluid.

Included in the report would be the following key points;

  •      Correct location of Neutral Point.
  •      Adequate vessel sizing.
  •      Expansion pipe sized correctly.
  •      Correct rating for safety valves and any signs of discharge
  •      System specific pre-charge pressures of expansion vessels
  •      Operating parameters are correct and “system specific”
  •      Where possible, the volume and frequency of any make-up fluid.
  •      Hardness of mains water available for refill
  •      PH of make-up water
  •      Total Dissolved solids
  •      Nitrate, Sulphate, Ammonia concentrations
  •      Any Biofouling
  •      Existing Water treatment levels
  •      The requirement for any additional protection equipment


This is a specialist trade and can cost you dearly if you get it wrong.

Better water – By Design

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